How to Cultivate Children's Reading Habits

Keep Reading

The first seeds for developing children's interest in reading are planted by their family. The cultivation of their reading ability and the creation of routine reading habits begins at home. Children first learn about the world through picture books. Books not only illuminate their imaginations they also nurture a passion for language. Keep reading with your children from the time your children are toddlers. Start with a simple book each day.


Watching Movies Based on Classic Books

Watch a selection of movies based on classic books: "Pride and Prejudice," "The Daughter of the Sea," "Anna Karenina," etc. These classic films can be played for children on weekends and will help to spark their interest in the original works of literature. Reading can't be forced on children, but with gentle and consistent encouragement they can be guided. As an entry point, figure out what interests them and begin there! 


Learning to Express Feelings

The output is just as important as the input. After children read books, you should encourage them to share their feelings and thoughts in order to enhance their expression, communication and critical thinking skills. Encourage children to express their feelings about reading and to develop profound ideas before vocalizing them. As they develop their verbal expression, their writing skills will begin to improve! 


Setting up a Reading Environment

A good reading environment is critical. Taking children to the library to read books will significantly improve their performance. When kids are immersed in a sea of books and surrounded by other readers, their interest in reading will be stimulated. Whenever possible, take your children to the library and register them for reading activities on weekends and holidays. These positive influences are essential to their success. Prepare a reading space for your children at home, and ensure that a variety of books is available to them. Spark their interest while they are still little!


Don't Push so Hard

Reading is a lifelong hobby. While you may not see immediate results, patience is essential. Do not assume that a child who has read a few books will be able to compose an essay. The impact of frequent reading at an early age may not be evident until middle school. Consistent reading develops a child's ability to think clearly and logically. The more children read the more connections they will make, and before you know it, they will be reading and writing with ease.